So, today is a big day for me!
Today marks one year of EMBL3M!!
I've been AndoGDTunes,, ALISTIC, ELYSIUM, and finally, EMBL3M, which I don't intend to change :D
And you guys have supported me through all of it <3
Here comes the list...
HUGE Thanks to: @8bitfudge, @ADR3-N, @AdventVoice, @alexxtreme369, @AssassinOnTheHill (or Shadeclamor), @AudgetheDodge, @Bhopping, @BlazingFlame14, @botnot435, @CatOfSnow, @CensorDodge, @CoolNinjaTMNTfan, @Croude, @CyroNG, @DarkGhostMusic, @DemonicNobility, @DJRadiocutter (Piratestep FTW!!!), @DJStormblastXL, @FenJor, @FractureClutter, @GOLL327, @GoodL, @Halo-Halo, @Hessive, @I-KYRO-I, @I0TA, @Iridius, @Jeemboo1216, @JordanKyser, @kfgjif969 (I see you KFSB xD), @L3kkaDebstup, @mariomadness2004, @matthew4262, @MikeVideoGamer, @mrbadazz, @Mudstep, @Naghorvik, @NebuloreMusic <3, @ninjatrey06 (how many accounts do you have dude? xD), @OfficiallySKYE, @PancakePocket (wish y'all the best), @RemileOduen, @Ryzmik, @Scorpion-Scorpion, @ShadowShinobiTunes, @ShrimpCraft, @Skiddle, @SkuttenGamerGD, @skyboundary, @SkylightOfficial, @SoundUnity (get ready people), @SpectrumOfficial, @theawesomeguy3000, @TheLionGames, @TheMajician (collab when? xD), @TheoryGD, @ThiefOfVoid, @thVTA (Thexta, whatever ;)), @TodukenMusic, @VegetarianBacon, @VinsanityInsanity, @WeAreOne16 (dude we need to record HWY), @X3-P1k4ZX-GD, @XenonMusic, @Zophar (EaRtH's UnKnOwN)
Special thanks to...
The Fam <3 you guys are the best!
@WeAreOne16, @L3kkaDebstup, @ShadowShinobiTunes, @TheLionGames, and @VinsanityInsanity for being cool and patient with me while i rant about music stuff xD
Audiophile Alliance, because we threw Austin off that cliff so much ;-;
Everybody else thats ever given me advice!
Thanks to all of you; without you guys' advice and criticism, I wouldn't know near as much as i do (*cough* the warp knob *cough*)
P.S. Drop the Plank is out now!