this sounds really good! I'm really excited to see the winners as well!
this will do pretty well, I'm sure.
it sounds really good overall; the sounds are great, the growls are great, I flipping LOVE those subsonic booms that come up every once in a while, and that drop is beautiful as any drop I've ever seen!
only complaints/criticisms:
1. the buildup to the first drop feels a little random.
2.the drop... it's so quiet... I can barely hea..........
wait, you couldn't hear that? oh ok sorry
3.the speed changes are really weird and random, and after the speed up, it just goes back down again without another real drop. hmm...
overall, very swag song dude! I'm excited to go up against this. My final entry is not that great; it's got this huge intro and then a drop, and I want to make an energized part, but the melody and sound is really ambient feeling... hmm...
anyway, best of luck! I have a feeling it's going to be pretty close between everyone...
4.5/5 because that otherwise perfect drop is sooooo quiet...